
Spirometry is an essential tool for screening, diagnosis and monitoring of restrictive and obstructive lung diseases like COPD or Asthma and as such is a valuable tool in all medical fields that are facing patients with dyspnoea. Especially against the background of increasing count of COPD patients, early diagnosis through proper screening becomes more and more important.

Geratherm Respiratory offers a broad range of spirometers tailored to your specific needs: Spirostik, a small and portable USB 2.0 PC based spirometer; the desktop spirometer Spirostik Complete as ready-to-use device including with integrated PC, touch-screen and printer; Spirostik Blue connecting via Bluetooth to any PC. All of these devices were have been developed with a special focus onaround an outstanding hygiene concept.


All spirometers are running on the same powerful diagnostic software platform BLUE CHERRY® that allows spirometry testing according to the latest ATS/ERS guidelines. Implemented Integrated tools for quality control and interpretation ensure test result validity and assists in the daily routine. A powerful report configuration facility ensures configurable reports ensure, that all relevant information is presented in the desired way to suit your teams preferences. BLUE CHERRY® is scalable from single-workstation installations to complex network installations split over across several labs.